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Liss Febrero



This illustration series draws inspiration from the seasons, serving as visual metaphors narrating distinct phases of my personal journey. Each season witnesses life’s transitions and transformation. 

Inspired by the grief of losing a baby through a miscarriage, the series captures my experience and confrontation with death and how my connection with the Pachamama (Mother Earth) becomes a vital companion, facilitating healing throughout the process. 

Through these pieces, I aim to share emotions and experiences where grief and pain are necessary. Finding comfort in the idea that, even in the darkest moments, hope can flourish and life can become beautiful again. 


Liss Febrero is an illustrator and Graphic Designer from Chile who has been living in Calgary for 9 years. 

She draws inspiration from the immense power of femininity and the beauty of nature in her artwork. Her creations are deeply influenced by her Latin American roots, which are reflected in the vibrant color palette that she uses. 

Themes such as self-discovery, empowerment, and self-love consistently appear in her work, mirroring the significant impact these aspects have had on her life. 

Through her work, Liss uses art as a tool to promote positivity and acceptance of the body, mind, and soul. 

Instagram: @lissfebrero