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Classic Albums Live

Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin II

It's time to "Ramble On"! Unleash your classic rock energy with the legendary album that defined an era, 1969's Led Zeppelin II! Feel the thunderous guitar riffs and dynamic energy of Led Zeppelin’s second studio album as we recreate every iconic moment, note for note, cut for cut, in the iconic Jack Singer Concert Hall at Arts Commons. We've got a "Whole Lotta Love" for this one. Experience the magic of Led Zeppelin II like never before performed by the rocking Canadian musicians of Classic Albums Live.

Are you new to Classic Albums Live? Each show starts with a pitch-perfect recreation of the album from start to finish. After intermission, Act 2 breaks into a full-on party with more hits from Led Zeppelin’s catalogue, with banter from the band and more!

This is more than just a concert – it's an immersive journey through one of rock music's greatest masterpieces. So, grab your friends who know it best, or the newest Zeppelin fan you know, and join Arts Commons Presents for a night of unforgettable and timeless music.

Audience Advisory: Classic Albums Live uses theatrical haze - a water-based atmospheric effect to help with lighting. But don't worry, this is non-toxic, has no scent, and typically doesn't affect patrons or performers.

"Led Zeppelin II is a landmark in the history of heavy metal music." - AllMusic 

"A seismic shift in rock 'n' roll." - Gibson 

"A masterclass in dynamics and groove, showcasing the band's unmatched chemistry and virtuosity." - Loudwire