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With the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves, in May 2021, at the former site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, members of the Elders Knowledge Circle Society (see below) felt their trauma, as survivors and family members, reawaken, and called on their western allies to help develop initiatives that support their healing and the healing of other survivors and family members, while educating Indigenous youth and settlers on our shared history.
The 2024 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation marks the second annual event for the Elders Story Project (ESP). During this powerful event, Elders will share their personal stories about their residential school experiences and their healing journeys, while demonstrating the resilience and strength of Indigenous peoples and the power of their traditional practices.
Join us for a transformational evening of learning and inspiration at Arts Commons, in recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Tickets are FREE but registration is required.
Is your organization interested in supporting reconciliation through the Elders Story Project? Please contact Jessica at for sponsorship opportunities.
Interested in coming as a group of 10 or more? Please contact our box office by phone at: 403-294-9494
- Create a sustainable model to protect, revitalize and share stories, language, oral knowledge and practice;
- Bridge the gap in cultural understanding and reconciliation to allow the transfer of knowledge to the next generations;
- Serve as a centralized resource for Western organizations (public, private, and non-profit) to consult with Elders and Indigenous communities using appropriate protocols.
Establish a centralized place where knowledge and wisdom from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers, will be preserved, protected, revitalized, and shared.
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