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Clerie Eugene

Clerie Eudene Artist


As a Black woman born in a country where I am the minority it can be very easy to feel disempowered. 

My art is all about self-expression, finding beauty in other people, especially strong women. I find influence and inspiration in the people around me and the light and colour they bring into my world. With this specific work showcasing the diverse shades and colours found in the Black disapora, I’m heavily inspired by Black women and my culture. My art is all about the power found in the female form.


Clerie Eugene is a self-taught Calgary artist, who uses digital art as a way to showcase women whose features are not often depicted in media and the visual arts, along with exploring themes of mental health and identity. Growing up in the Northeast area of Calgary introduced her to a diverse world full of vibrancy and life, which is reflected in her digital portraiture and figure work, with bold colours and diverse features.
Instagram: @theblackfinalgirl