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Amber Boyd


Remnants. Traces of our past are all around us, in our histories, culture, traditions, education, language, families, and relationships. Each piece is only a small part of the story about who we are, both as an individual and a community. Remnants are not just what is left behind but are the pieces that create a picture of who we are today.  Painted Feather. I’m reminded each time I write a cultural story, that I paint tales with the colours of my past. The more I learn about my Métis culture, heritage and background, the more stories my mind (and pen) have to share.  Medicine Flower. Medicines swirl within the petals of our traditional knowledges. Learning about our traditional medicines is a privilege. 

"My grandfather hid his Métis culture from his children to keep them safe. For me, truth and reconciliation means I'm able to learn and embrace my Métis heritage and culture and share the knowledge I learn with my children."

Amber’s stories, “Life’s Nectar” and “Forevermore,” can be found in the Amazon best-selling anthology, Above and Beneath. Her other published short stories include Howling at the Moon, “The Arcane Protector,” “Time Ryder,” and “The Gift.” In 2019 and 2022, she won second place in the Kemosa contest, and in 2021 her writing was short listed for the Constance Rooke CNF Prize and won her a spot to participate in Audible Indigenous Writers’ Circle. Amber is a proud citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta and is currently completing her MFA in creative writing. Amber’s artwork has appeared in Indigenous Motherhood and Matriarchy art show, From the Land: Indigenous Ecological Art for a New Era show, and Mino-Pimatisiwin photography exhibition. 

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